Tag Archives: criticism

Help Counterbalance Janet Hsieh’s Lies About Taiwan By Sharing These Links

14 Jan

If you would like to help counterbalance Janet Hsieh’s LIES and FALSEHOODS about Taiwan being so wonderful, beautiful and friendly, then share these links below with others to help spread the truth, however taboo it may be. She presents Taiwan as a wonderland, which any normal sane person can see is NOT true at all, but in fact is the opposite of the truth.

In reality, Taiwan is a very repressed society with a bland boring culture comprised of cold robotic people with no passion or soul. People are very uptight, stuck up, and hard to connect with. They seem like plastic mannequins, not truly alive or human. There is nothing to grow your soul in Taiwan. Time just passes with no meaning or special memories, and life there is just wasted. The nature, climate, landscape and architecture in Taiwan are mostly drab and ugly, so it is not even a truly beautiful country (at least not most of it). Thus, Janet Hsieh is WRONG on all counts regarding Taiwan, and is merely a paid propagandist telling lies to promote tourism.

She may dominate the TV, but we can dominate the web easily by disseminating accurate information in a strategic manner from high ranking webpages on Blogger (which ranks very high in Google since it is owned by them).

Links to share to spread the truth about Taiwan:

The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan

Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul or emotions

10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance

The Dark Side of Taiwan

The Pros and Cons of Taiwan

Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan

Critical Observations about East Asian Mentality and Culture

Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul, personality or passion

14 Jan

Have you noticed this about Taiwan? It’s a new observation I just realized:

Even if you make a lot of friends in Taiwan, you eventually realize that these friends are really just casual acquaintances, because there is no real connection with them. Taiwanese are like empty shells with no soul or emotions, like plastic mannequins (similar to America, but even worse). Their faces are passionless and robotic, as if their soul and humanity has been squashed, suppressed or drained out of them.

It’s very sad and scary, like an inhuman society from the Twilight Zone. I’ve seen some of the older generation Taiwanese show some semblance of having a soul or emotions, but the young adult generation definitely seem empty and hollow with plastic exteriors. Thus, the friendships you make in Taiwan will ultimately be unsatisfying.

It’s also kind of depressing when you see that people are empty shells here because it leaves you wondering “How can humans descend into such a state of being?” What’s scary is that you know deep down that you don’t want to become like them, thus being around them could have a toxic negative effect on you.

What’s worse, most young Taiwanese are duds with no personality and can’t even hold a normal conversation. There is nothing really there to connect with. They are the least engaging youngsters I’ve ever met – usually quiet with nothing to say and no expression (except for very superficial ones). When you talk to them, after a few minutes or few sentences, the conversation runs dry, like you’ve run into a brick wall with nothing more to say. Asking them open ended questions about themselves, like interviewers do, will not change any of this. (if it did, I wouldn’t have a problem engaging them) They are like empty shells.

The Siberian girl I went out with in Taiwan, told me this after she returned to Siberia:

“Hello Winston! How are you doing? I dont miss taiwan. I really do not miss it, maybe just tea )))) 

i am happy here. everything is real here, people, emotions, etc. 

that girl she is a friend of mine on Facebook. I can ask her. when are you leaving taiwan? I wish I could travel around. 

what do you think about dec 21? 

take care, hope you answer me soon xxx “

As you can see, she is saying that people in Siberia are “real people with real emotions” where people in Taiwan are NOT “real people with real emotions”. lol

A Taiwanese American girl told me something interesting:

“2) One point you should mention is many White men who come or live here 

think every Yellow woman is some kind of easy lay or submissive geisha 

should be in for a rude awakening, as you have stressed in your 7 points. 

I think you should try to think of the criticisms for the men. I went to 

university here and the white men who come as foreign exchange students–I 

always see most of them alone or hanging out with other foreign exchange 

students. Taiwanese society is just too hard to fit in and ever fully 

adjust to. “

That’s very true and concurs with my observation as well. Most foreigners I see in Taiwan only hang out with other foreigners, or with Westernized Asians/Taiwanese sometimes. But not with local mainstream typical Taiwanese. No way. So you gotta wonder, what’s the point of coming to a foreign country if you can only befriend or connect with other foreigners?

Further, I don’t understand why any foreigner comes to Taiwan. If I were a foreigner who wanted to study Chinese culture, I’d go to China. I don’t see why I would want to go to Taiwan. It doesn’t make sense.

See also:

The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan

10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance

The Dark Side of Taiwan

The Pros and Cons of Taiwan: A Taboo List

Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan

Critical Observations about East Asian Mentality and Culture

7 Major Problems with Taiwan Girls – Terrible beyond words!

4 Dec

Although Taiwanese girls are comparable with the most beautiful females in the world, they are also among the most difficult and come with a barrage of major negative traits, personality problems and difficult obstacles. Here are 7 big problems with them that will give you an idea about why I find Taiwan to be the most BORING place on the planet, as well as the WORST place for dating girls in the world. Each one of these is bad enough, but combined, they make Taiwanese girls not even worth the effort.

1. Taiwanese girls are extremely COLD and CLOSED. They are extremely stuck up and project an extreme cold wall around them that is very unnatural and inhuman. This is an inherent Taiwanese trait that makes them unapproachable, uptight and unwelcoming. They are not open or relaxed with strangers, like females in most countries are. Compared to Taiwanese women, even reptiles are warm-blooded.

2. The mentality of Taiwanese girls is very narrow, simple and primitive. Thus it’s hard to connect or vibe with them. They are on a different wavelength, one that is far more insular than ours. They are the least capable of having intelligent deep conversations. The weird thing is, they expect me to be the same, but I’m not, so they don’t know how to process that. This makes everything doubly difficult when combined with #1.

3. Taiwanese girls are very picky, shallow, superficial and judgmental. They have narrow standards and are very particular. It’s hard to get them to respond on dating sites. They don’t like guys who think for themselves or who are nonconformist in any way. In their mind, nonconformists are losers and intellectualism is weird and uncool. In my experience, as soon as I say something intelligent or deep, or show off that I am nonconformist in any way, many Taiwanese girls drop me and treat me as though I no longer exist to them. So much for being appreciated for being yourself. Add this to the above 2 problems, and the problems and obstacles to dating triple!

4. Taiwanese girls are extremely prudish and view flirtation as taboo and bad. Coming from a very prudish sterile culture, Taiwan girls are themselves very prudish. They won’t let guys kiss their hand (like European girls would) and view flirting as a taboo, bad and negative. Taiwan is so prudish in fact, that movies made in Taiwan usually never show any kissing, whereas they do if they are made in mainland China. Thus it can be said that Taiwan is the most prudish country in Asia, and its women are indicative of that especially since women tend to conform to the culture. A culture where you can’t even flirt simply SUCKS.

5. Taiwanese girls are very flaky and act like divas. Taiwanese females under 35 are anything but down to earth, and can flake out at any time for any reason, or even no reason. It’s hard enough getting them to respond on dating sites. But even when they do, they can flake out suddenly. When they do, they disappear, forget you and ignore your emails/calls for trivial reasons or sometimes no reason.

6. Taiwanese girls tend to have this fake innocence and cheesy corny gay ass “hello kitty” expression. It’s hard to explain what I mean. You have to be around them to see what I’m talking about. It’s very unnatural, strange and inhuman. I have no idea how to jive with it. And I definitely wouldn’t want to try to emulate it. Ewww! Ick! Weird!

7. In social groups and nightclubs in Taiwan, guys tend to outnumber girls, which creates scarcity. The guys who are in the group that the girls are in, are usually either dating the girls, or if not, then they are shielding the girls from being approached by other guys. Total cockblock. Again, this totally sucks, and when combined with the above, make the dating scene terrible beyond words and not even worth the effort.

So you see, all the above compounds to make Taiwan the WORST dating scene I’ve ever experienced, as well as the most BORING uneventful place. It’s like everything is against you. Geez! All the above combined are horrible beyond words, and make it not even worth the effort. All Taiwan offers you is food and work. But for dating, love, romance and sex, it totally SUCKS, is overly difficult, uptight, stuck up and very depriving. In fact, no negative words in English that I can think of can describe how terrible it is and how badly it sucks. Thus all I can say is that it is “terrible beyond words”.

What’s worse, you aren’t allowed to say anything negative in Taiwan. The social culture is very politically correct and you are only allowed to say nice positive things about Taiwan. So you can’t even tell the truth or express how you really feel without violating this social rule! Geez. At least let a guy be honest for crying out loud. It sucks having to pretend that you like something you don’t.

See also:

The Four Biggest Problems With Taiwan

Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul or emotions

10 Reasons Why Taiwan is not good for social life, fun, happiness or romance

The Dark Side of Taiwan

The Pros and Cons of Taiwan

Taboo Observations and Truths About Taiwan

Janet Hsieh and the Failure of the Taiwanese Media: Spot On Insights

29 Jul

Check out these insightful comments posted in my Janet Hsieh blogs recently. They are spot on about the fakeness of Janet Hsieh and her act, as well as the failure and desperation of the Taiwanese media to try to garnish attention in the international scene with tasteless over the top fakeness.


“I had nothing else to do and I decided to look up the “unique woman” Janet Hsieh after hearing her ad where she is selling the latest “health supplement” and I found this blog (and your other one as well).

I should start out by saying I am an American expat who is married to a local Taiwanese woman. 10 years of marriage going strong, and we have 2 boys.

I too find Janet a little too-phoney for my tastes. She seems like a model (which she is, apparently) who was offered a job in front of a camera, and she took this job to further her career (possibly back to the USA???).

The series always shows everything about Taiwan in a wonderful light and how fabulous places are here in Taiwan. Yes, there are some nice places, but I have been to a few of the places she has been to and they ain’t that good looking. The look good on the camera due to how they film things, yet if you get beyond the range of the camera you will see most are not that great, and some are downright bad.

As for Janet, she will do and probably say anything due to either what her boss tells her what to say or what will help further her career.

If Janet has any courage, she should just report things as they are and not try to embelish them. Granted, a lot of travel shows are like this, such as the former “Lonely Planet”/now “Global Trekker” shows. If you ever read the books about behind-the-scenes-of-“Lonely Planet,” you will be amazed at what the support staff go through and what is not shown on the televsion shows.

By the way, did you see te You Tube video where Janet is recruiting people to join her on their show? Only approximately 1900 people veiwed the video(including me). Boy, that went over REAL WELL.

As far as Janet goes, I do not know her so I am only basing on my observations of her “show” and of the various articles I have read of her. And I must say I am none too impressed with her. I feel she is just a somewhat model (only able to get a lot work here in Taiwan and just a tiny amount int he USA as she would be a dime a dozen” model in the USA). My wife flat-out cannot stand her as she knows A LOT of places Janet has been to and calls “B.S.” on a lot of what she promotes on her show.

As for the comments on Janet’s Facebok profile, I think they reflect the same type of dribble that Hollywood stars get from their fans. The fans only see what is shown on the TV and/or what the “star” (or the star’s PR person) want people to see. So let’s see what people write after Janet gets caught in a “compromising position.” Then we shall see the real Janet Hsieh come out. ”


“Coming from America and now living in Taiwan there are very few good shows on TLC here vs back home. All honesty any show Janet hosts rivals Jeremy Lin for the worst and only things to watch on Taiwanese TV.The problem is the Taiwanese have no concept of “overkill” .So if you were a couch potato before you are now REPEATEDLY force fed so much of the same awful television you have to pick up a book and/or new hobby.

Taiwan’s lack of confidence as a nation is obvious when they desperately cling on to anything/anyone that gives them international recognition. Even if they are native Americans who would not be successful and have developed the proper credentials if born in Taiwan.Yes,that is you fellow Americans whose parents made the correct decision Janet and Jeremy.

When I see Janet instantly I change the channel.As a person I don’t deny she is probably nice but as a host she is simply painful and phony.The fact there will be a second season to the Fun Taiwan is so sad. The first season from what I could stomach was a very low budget Amazing Race.It was a painfully boring hosted,lame contestant ridden and had carnival style challenges.

Thanks for the outlet”


“I watched her show a few times and followed her on Facebook.
I was drawn to her in the same way people rubberneck at a car crash.
I find her unfunny and stupid acting with the cross eyes and goofy faces. It seems her Facebook pages just glorifies her life style and attracts attention to herself.
Asking her fans to vote for her as sexiest woman on FHM website, Please! I really don’t care about her broken thumb.”


“I have to say I stumbled upon your website while google-ing Janet Hsieh and I find it very refreshing, truthful and eye-opening. Nice critique out there for the unfortunate masses of cut-paste plastic-fantastic, bobble-headed, too tanned Chinese girls who happen to make it big cos’ most people are simple airheads who cannot discern fact from fiction or fakery Smile


“Yah I think she’s fake. She’s been paid by Taiwan Tourism Department. Taiwan’s really got nothing to offer now in Tourism World, the competition is getting stiffer. Nice try Janet, but we don’t buy it!”


“you’re right. the woman goes to boring places and pretends to make them interesting. but her really fake acting doesnt cut it…

and the woman is literally selling everything in Taiwan and is on every billboard. she is like a 7-11, there isnt anything she wont sell… it doesnt even make sense….i often wonder if she doesnt understand the concept of “over-exposure”?”

“PART I: I have to applaud you Winston. As Col Kertz said in Apocalypse Now “the “sheer will” to start this blog and keep it running is remarkable.
I’m a Taipei-based foreign journalist, and like you, I was revolted by Janice after about five minutes of her inane, dull schoolgirl act. But like a car wreck, I couldn’t help but watch and hurl abuse at the screen every time she whitewashed something about Taiwan, its present and its past.
I’m pretty sure she is an invention of the GIO, which probably pays TLC to air this drivel. While its true that travel shows are often on the sunny side of the street. They should NOT be paid for advertising content from a corporation or body. The fact that other shows lie doesn’t make it OK for her to lie too.
This is journalism 101 people. Frankly, it saddens me that so many Taiwanese have so little internal focus that it is OK for them to support PAID-FOR advertising. I just don’t get it. It makes me wonder if just being a celebrity is enough to be liked in Taiwan. Like success, no matter how it is attained, is all that’s important, so she can sell flog off shampoo and herbal products.
It’s sad really, and paints a picture of shallow, mentally and morally regressing society.
Janice’s complete lack of context in everything she covers is little more than a lie. And I am insulted by her, the GIO and TLC every time I see her programme. There needs to be some professional balance. No country is utopia, but to paint a picture of it as such is used car salesman douchery of the highest order.
This also speaks to the Taiwan government’s totally dated profile-raising playbook. Pick an Asian American girl so she straddles both cultures. She must be American because they are the only people who count, although I doubt this farce is shown outside of Asia. Make her a smiling dolcit retard so she doesn’t offend. And then plug OVER AND OVER AND OVER again about how great everything is.
Go to a beach with three foot waves and talk up this massive surf culture that doesn’t exist. Go to Sun Moon Lake and dance with Aboriginals but don’t mention that there are only about 300 of them left because Taipei has been hammering them for generations to the point that they will be EXTINCT within a generation. But that’s OK because the tourist dollars count more.
Go to Orchid Island and don’t get down to how it is a nuclear waste dump and how cancer rates there are through the roof.
PART II: Now I know a lot of you retards might come back and say that I hate Taiwan and I should leave. But the truth is I am personally a supporter of Taiwan. My wife is Taiwanese (who loathes Janice BTW). I’ve spent years in the country. BUT if you care about a place you should care about its problems, which all countries have. By shining a light on them you hope to forward change.
Besides a personal supporter is one thing. You need to be professional and do your job. I had some media friends from outfits like Bloomberg, WSJ, the Guardian etc come for a visit recently and they just hammered her. In short, she does as much damage as good, if not more so.
These sycophantic ramblings from a dull, tired, bland looking woman, who compares most things to America, a sure sign of an amateur who doesn’t work on the minimal skills she has, are exactly what Winston claims them to be: lies. total lies.
I don’t care if Winston is driven by bitterness to be honest, like many have claimed. the crux of his argument is correct. She is a walking billboard. A vessel for interest groups. And these people are the bottom of the barrel. They have no soul. No opinion and worse no thoughts of responsibility to the public.
At least public relations professionals are upfront about what they do. Janice alludes to a balanced professionalism that doesn’t exist.
As Kurtz also said: “We must kill them. We must incinerate them. Pig after pig. Cow after cow. Village after village. Army after army. And they call me an assassin. What do you call it when the assassins accuse the assassin? They lie. They lie, and we have to be merciful, for those who lie. Those nabobs. I hate them. I do hate them.”
Remember people: every time she is on that show, she is lying to YOU for money. And she knows she is doing it. Why would you support her?
Winston: good job, and you may want to check out her links to that terrible not hop outfit LA Boyz. Apparently that’s where she got her start. Might have a lot to do with the tongue button. I mean really? A tongue button? How tacky.”
I found your page because in the past 2 years I’ve been in Taiwan, I have seen multiple commercials with an annoying girl as the spokesperson.
One of the commercials showed her English and Chinese name and googling her brought me to this page.
I’m not sure what it is about her that makes me dislike her, as I’ve thankfully never had to watch her Fun Taiwan program. Maybe it’s her ABC accent or maybe you really are right and she sounds/acts too “fake.”
Watching her 15 second commercials is already too much for me. I’m glad I’m not the only one out there who feels the same way about her. It’s unfortunate that she is successful here just based on her appearance and the fact that she is an ABC. I find the local girls more appealing.”


Thanks to all the above contributors.

More prior interesting comments can be seen here:

Btw, someone on Janet Hsieh’s Facebook page finally agreed with me:https://www.facebook.com/janethsiehonline/posts/156929781040357
“Jake Robbins: He’s totally right Janet. You’re a complete fraud. You would go anywhere and sell anything if the money was OK. Your entire show is a 30 min advertisement bereft of context. You never point to the problems of a Taiwan because your trying to sell tourism dollars. Even the Winston seems totally f..d up, your still a lying vessel of the tourism and Government Information Office machine. You make me sick actually.”

Critical Comments about Janet Hsieh from Readers 謝怡芬

10 Jun

It looks like I’m not the only one who finds Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 fake, corny, cheesy and annoying. Some others do too, as I suspected. Here are their comments that they posted in my blog (some are anonymous and some are not). They are funny but fairly accurate.


Anonymous said…
I actually agree with you. I don’t watch her shows anymore, they are boring, she is trying to make Taiwan look like Wonderland. For someone who claimed to be MIT student, going to doctor school, learning martial arts, blah, blah, blah, she is here posting her pictures in men magazine, cheap tabloids magazines, and polluting buses and boards with her pictures, ads, etc, she is another narcissist Taiwanese here to tell them that she has done more than others. But with all her activities here in Taiwan and traveling to lots of places, doing interviews, her “medical career”is also another fake item that she is going to put in her pedigree. This is what I see in her, comes a Spanish degree MIT nobody to Taiwan and try to make a career here because in the States she is a nobody.
Kristine said…
I think Janet is a hypocrite. She overreacts and pretends to be hyperactive coz it’s needed for her show. But I think when she’s alone, she’s like, duh! What the hell was that?
James said…
With so many talented people in Taiwan why did they choose this feather brain gal? There are lots of girls that are prettier and actually have real brain, not a lot of cheap talk and fake big smile. And for those who are trying to point out her MIT degree, it is SPANISH, and last that I heard, she can’t ever utter enough Spanish words to her Spanish speaking friends. There is a reason she is here doing this silly show, she can’t do better in her country.
Anonymous said…
I’m also from Texas and been traveling around Asia. In my honest opinion Taiwan is very polluted, not really interesting compared to Japan or Bali but it is more livable than Cambodia or Thailand. About Janet, well she is paid to spread the good word (or better saying lies)about Taiwan. Who is going to spit on the hand that is paying for her popularity here, bags, dresses, make-up and food? And she always travels overseas for her vacations despite all her talking about Taiwan being so fun.
Sally Kao said…
Such a wonderful article! I’ve finally found someone like me. I just don’t get it y people always ignore the facts just to stay “happy”… it’s really funny and pathetic actually. i agree w/ u that she is not that extraordinary. so many people are popular only because they have been promoted, which is a fact for sure, but nobody can see it or even if someone sees it, they’ll never admit it. Keep posting!
Amy Prosper said…
I kinda agree, Everytime I watched her show, and tried to like it, I became so tired with all the smiles and her crazy eyes. Maybe I’m not into an over-happy people. She looked fine in personality, and very fine in physical appearance, but I just can’t stand her shouting excitement and all those crazy eyes looks, which for me, had reached to annoying level for a tv show. I couldn’t focus on the places, My eyes were exhausted following her jumpy and too much happiness-style. Her shows are my least favorite TLC shows.
Chips said…
My 2 cents: I agree with the blogger – Janet needs to work harder. However, there is no need for personal attacks since you may not know her personally. The show is very generic, and average. Kudos to the crew and cast for trying to spice up a small island which has little to offer in the way of packaged tourism. Taiwan has lost its soul (I am born, and bred here, but I have also lived abroad in Europe, Africa, mainland China for 20yrs) during the economic boom and modernization of the 70s-80s. The concept of tourism is very superficial and there is little unique to offer in the way of cultural diversity. Personally, if you prefer pure ethnic travel thrills, places like Vietnam and Thailand may offer more interest. Taiwan is stuck in a cultural limbo between quasi Japanese-South island-Han chinese culture. With mainland China opening up, Taiwan has even lost its lime-light as a “Chinese” experience. Janet nad her crew have very little to work with besides, well, the food. Taiwanese cuisine is great. No doubts about that. As for the people, well – western extroverts will have a hard time in Taiwan. That doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with Taiwanese in general. During the booming 80s, this place was as vibrant and outgoing as Japane. Unfortunately, the vibe has dulled along with the economic slow-down. People here are indeed geared (automoton is a little harsh, but almost spot on!) towards achieving wealth and status, rather than living. This will change with time as people settle down from the giddy material-chasing lifestyle and mentality of the past. It will take a while though. But nothing will change the Confucian conservatism of the ladies and our dating etiquette. Its unfair to label us “deadbeat” just because we do not go wild like college kids in the US. Different cultures, different ways. In my opinion, the mainland Chinese are more energetic and daring right now because their nation is in a state of flux, just like Japan and Taiwan was 20 years ago. But once the become an established economy and the growth rate slows, people will settle down once again. The euphoria of a roaring economy does affect people and how they behave. Taiwan and Japan are on a pessimistic edge right now. As a final comment on the show – its time to stop flogging a dead horse (Taiwan), and move on. I love Taiwan, but I admit, there is very little to offer foreigners looking for travel thrills, adventure, or even relaxation in Taiwan. A good and dare I say, brave job well done! Now move onto something with more workable material. It should test Janet’s mettle a little more.
Update: Forumosa thread with critical comments about Janet Hsieh
Check out this big thread in Forumosa.com about Janet Hsieh which contains many funny critical comments about her.


A Critical Review of Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬, Host of Fun Taiwan

20 May
Note: Due to complaints about the Chinese translation by Google Translate that I posted, I’ve removed it. If you wish to view it though, click here.

Revised June, 2011

“The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” – H. L. Mencken

Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬, whom her shallow airheadish fans rave is “oh so wonderful”, is the host of “Fun Taiwan” on the Discovery Channel and The Learning Channel. On her show, she goes around Taiwan exploring mediocre sites and places that pale in comparison with her pretty face, while hyping them up with contrived enthusiasm. In doing so, she actually gives Taiwan a bad image, because the uneventful ordinary places she goes to on her show would NOT be fun if she wasn’t there, which might discourage people from going there.

Though she is nothing special, she has become a media darling and her airheadish fans treat her like some Goddess above criticism. Amazingly, she is one of the few celebrities without critical review, at least that I’m able to find. So let me be the first to write a critical review of her. (since I happen to have a history of being the first to do things)

First, sure she has good looks, has modeled before, and possesses an outgoing enthusiastic personality. I guess that’s enough to win over simple drooling guys and the executive producers of the Travel Channel.

But that’s pretty much all she has. There is nothing unique or special about her. She has not done anything to deserve any fame or “Goddess treatment”. There are many Asian American girls like her who could fill her shoes. And her accomplishments (qualifying for medical school, playing violin, etc.) are typical for Chinese Americans. (My Taiwanese cousins and family friends have the same accomplishments)

The chief problems with Janet Hsieh are: Her personality is bland. Her jokes are corny and her antics are cheesy. For example, when she puts on a dress, she says the corniest things that make you roll your eyes. And when she’s bathing under a waterfall, she raves, “Ohhh this is sooooo wonderful!” which anyone can do. Her cheesy lines, combined with how loud she is, makes her annoying to those with distinguishing ears. She does not give any deep meaningful insights on her show. Instead, she says the most simple things that anyone can say.

Plus she is not a good actor and seems to feign her emotions. There is no depth to her. Just look at her eyes (since they say that the eyes are the window to the soul). Notice how vacant and self-absorbed they are. They do not show one who is rich and soulful on the inside. Instead, they show an empty airhead on the inside. Look carefully at them when she’s on TV and you will see what I mean.

Thus, she is way overrated and over-treated, hyped up by the media without any substantive reasons, similar to how Britney Spears was hyped up even though she didn’t have much talent or charisma. Janet has no special accomplishments. She is not a good or talented actress. She does not make you feel emotions. She has no charm or charisma. She has not done anything special. She has not stood up to evil with any courage. She has done nothing but rave like an airhead on her show.

Thus, it is no surprise that her fans tend to be airheads themselves, since like attracts like. Just look at the comments on her facebook fan page that she gets everyday, and you’ll see how airheadish they are. None of the comments have any substance.


It’s no wonder she’s so popular. Deep intelligent aware people do not tend to be popular with the dumbed-down mainstream population (which is prevalent in Taiwan and America). That’s why popular people tend to be fake, dumbed-down (or at least act like it), plastic and inauthentic, rather than truthful and genuine. After all, as great thinkers have said:

“The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” – H. L. Mencken

“Ninety-nine percent of the people in the world are fools, and the rest of us are in great danger of contagion.” – Thornton Wilder

“Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong.” — Oscar Wilde

Furthermore, the places that Janet Hsieh goes to in her Fun Taiwan series are very mediocre, the kind that old retired Taiwanese, who don’t have the guts to go overseas, go. They are not places that young people would really enjoy. Or she goes hiking up mountains and waterfalls in naturesque areas, which are nothing special and exist all over the world.

There is nothing really “fun” about these places on her show, except for her “fun personality”, which is more fake than authentic, because she makes a big deal about nothing and overcompliments everything around her. Now, there’s nothing wrong with having enthusiasm and child-like wonder, but when you’re PAID to do these things, it calls into question how much of your emotions on TV are real and how much is merely acting to make the show positive and pleasant.

You might think I’m being pessimistic and overly critical. But I am just calling it like I see it. I’ve seen many things in this world, and met thousands of people. I’m very insightful and have distinguishing taste in separating substance from hype. That being said, to me Janet Hsieh’s acting and enthusiasm on her show seems fake and contrived.

Plus she is not an independent thinker. She got good grades in school, played violin, and wanted to become a doctor, etc. which is very typical for a Taiwanese American. I’ve known many ABC’s who fit the same bill.


Sure, Janet has looks, popularity, money, and a fun life. She may be a great girl by conventional standards. But her assets and qualities are ordinary and shallow. She is not original in any way at all. She does not revolutionize anything or have great vision to change things, society and people’s lives. She does not help end suffering in the world, or fight evil or injustice, or debunk lies, propaganda and illusion. She does not even think “outside the box”, nor has she shown that she can. She is a conformist, like most females are.

She’s just an attractive but over-hyped entertainer that nerdy ABC sheep drool over. That’s nice yeah, but it’s only surface level, and nothing that will stand out in history.

Now I’m not saying that Janet is bad or anything. I’m sure she’s a fine person. I’m just saying that she’s nothing special or unique. I know many ABC girls that are just like her, who became doctors, got good grades, are pretty, etc. Her interests are typical and conventional. She is not extraordinary, original, unique or one-of-a-kind. She does not get compliments and comments like these, for example. Instead, she acts fake, artificial and annoying.

Look at the writing in her blog for example. There are no great profound truths or insights in it. Nothing intellectual or deep. Compare it to Winston Wu’s articles, which says speak for themselves. There is no comparison. Look at Winston’s masterpiece essay Debunking the Myth of Freedom and Democracy in America for example. Everything in it is 100 percent “outside the box”. Can Janet ever write anything like that? No way. Of course not. Janet is a typical conformist, not a truth seeker, and as such does not think like that.

Plus Janet’s personality seems fake and programmed, not authentic. Her updates on her Facebook Page, as well as the praises she receives there, are very airheadish and superficial. Notice her eyes as she speaks or walks, and you will see a plastic vacant look, as if she’s spaced out. There is nothing deep, intellectual or profound about her. She exudes plastic optimism, which is reflective of the fake US culture she grew up in, which does not allow you to express how you really feel, but only allows you to show a plastic face to everyone everyday. She is not known for anything unique which sets her apart from any other fun-loving extrovert. There is NOTHING original about her at all, compared to the one-of-a-kind Winston Wu, evidenced by these quotes.

Now compare her with fellow Taiwanese American Winston Wu – Writer, Traveler, Freethinker, Passive Income Enterpreneur, and Founder of the Happier Abroad and SCEPCOP movements. Very well traveled folks have called Winston Wu the “most atypical and unique Asian male” as well as the “most freethinking Asian”. See here for examples and see this Chart of Winston Wu’s character traits and attitudes that truly set him apart from other Asians. Also see this list of quotes from fans who call Winston Wu a “Hero, Inspiration, and Legend”, words which very few people in the world get called. Winston Wu’s work has even been praised by Nobel Prize Winners and reputable published authors. See here for their praises and compliments.

Janet Hsieh, on the other hand, has NOTHING like that which sets her apart from the rest. And she has not done anything that no one else has, or been the first to do something, like Winston Wu has. See here for his list of 10 Uncommon and Outstanding Accomplishments. No Nobel Prize Winners or intellectual authors praise Janet’s work. No one calls her a “Hero or Legend.” She has not overcome any insurmountable odds, has not stood up against overwhelming forces, nor fought for truth, nor had the courage to stand alone for what’s right. And she has no real intellectual achievements that are praiseworthy. There is nothing original or unique about her. All she did was study hard and use her looks to get into modeling and then onto television. There isn’t much substance to her. She simply got hyped up by the media, which has a history of hyping up people with looks but no substance, talent or charisma – such as Britney Spears.



Janet Hsieh claims to have toured 36 countries, however, anyone can backpack through a lot of countries in a short period of time. Darting through multiple countries on a backpacking tour does not make you cultured. What makes you cultured is how many countries you have resided in LONG-TERM. My Cultural and Expat Advisor, for example, has been to 30+ countries, speaks 10 languages, and has resided LONG-TERM in 9 countries. If you look at the depth of his blog and cultural comparisons, you will see what a real well-traveled cultured expat is like. NONE of Janet’s writings are anywhere near as deep and useful as his. Have a look at his Expat blog and see for yourself. In it are direct and mostly accurate comparisons between cultures and their ways, without political correctness. On the other hand, all that Janet can say about any culture is: “This culture is so wonderful. The food was so good. The people were so friendly. I had a great time! Wooo hooo!” which in fact, every host of the Travel Channel says. So what’s new?

Anyhow, with experience in other cultures, she should easily see that Taiwan is one of the dullest and coldest (socially) cultures in the world, with no social energy, vibe or excitement. (but of course she’s paid to say the opposite) It’s pretty much a dead land of robotic slaves without imagination, creativity or passion. Any well traveled observant person can see that from their perspective.

But since she’s a PAID host, actor and promoter of Taiwan tourism, she has to do whatever the producers want, including raving with enthusiasm about the most dull mediocre things. And when she does, it raises a critical eye from astute observers as to how sincere and natural she is.

I would bet that if she were not paid to host a TV show, she would not spend so much of her own time, years it seems, traveling around Taiwan with so much excitement. You can only see so much in Taiwan, since it’s a small country. Yet she’s spent years going to sites in Taiwan on her show.

What’s annoying is her rabid ranting that Taiwan is so wonderful and friendly which stands in stark contrast to the truth and cold hard reality of Taiwanese life. The way she rails about Taiwan is so fake too.

In reality Taiwanese women are very closed, stiff, inhibited, introverted, conservative, stone faced and not open to strangers. In Taiwan there is no eye contact or smiling to others in public. No one talks to you if they don’t know you. To them, that’s normal. But in the rest of the world it is not.

I know I’m going to take heat for this one, but it’s one of those things like “The Emperor’s New Clothes” where no one wants to admit something obvious for fear of condemnation and ostracization.

Taiwanese are not just shy and introverted, they are EXTREMELY shy and introverted, to the point where if you are outgoing, you will feel awkward and out of place, like you should not be outgoing when everyone else is not. Thus that part of you will feel “suppressed”.

The only types that talk to strangers in Taiwan are the elderly/senior citizens. Not young adults and especially not young adult females. No way. Hell no. The girls in Taiwan are super conservative, and not very approachable or easy to chat up without a proper introduction, unlike in Europe where females are far more open and relaxed with strangers. That makes Taiwan an ice cold place. And it tells you that since the older generation is more friendly, it must have been friendlier in the past.

However, I’m sure if you look like Janet Hsieh, then Taiwanese people will be a lot warmer and more approachable to you. Or if you are a white guy, then Taiwanese girls will be more receptive to approaches. But not if you’re an Asian guy. No way. If you are an Asian male, Taiwanese females will put on their super conservative mask to you. Not a single serious down-to-earth mature Taiwanese person I know denies that. It’s simply too obvious.

In fact, I do not sense any social energy at all in Taiwan, even though I am very sensitive and attuned to energy in my surroundings. Zilch. Nada. If you’ve never left Taiwan, you might not understand what that means. But if you’ve lived in high social energy places like Latin America, Russia, parts of Europe, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, etc. you will know exactly what I mean. Taiwan is a frigid place for the true extrovert. And it is nowhere as friendly in real life as Janet Hsieh portrays it. No way.

In fact, the name of her show “Fun Taiwan” is an oxymoron in terms. In reality, typical Taiwanese life is anything but fun. It is totally devoid of passion, interests, and freedoms. Instead, it is a cold bleak soulless robotic existence to corporate slavery (or slavery to your own shop) 6 or 7 days a week, giving away 80 to 90 percent of one’s priceless life to bondage, rather than enjoying any kind of truly RICH LIFE. Work and money are the Gods of Taiwanese people. It’s a horrible existence. I pity them.

What passes for fun in Taiwan is usually lame, gay, and a weak attempt behind an aura and culture of inhibition. People don’t truly live to the max or with full richness of heart and passion in Taiwan, the way that people do in Latin America for instance.

Mainstream Taiwanese do not deny any of the above. They admit to it and say that it is their culture, and that they are not like foreign countries. They even consider America, one of the loneliest and most isolating countries in the world, to be open and friendly. What does that tell you?!

The only people who deny the above are certain groups of expats who somehow claim to be unusually lucky in Taiwan’s social and dating scene, hippies and backpackers who always say that people are friendly in every culture no matter what, politically correct folks, and of course Travel Channel hosts like Janet Hsieh, who are PAID to say how wonderful, exciting and friendly Taiwan is.

But those who are unbrainwashed and who sees things as they are will find the above to be obvious. Few people will admit and see things as they are. Many only see what they WANT to see.

This is a sick world of illusion, propaganda and lies. And I’m glad to be one of the few who are free and liberated of that.

For my complete observations about Taiwan, click here

In fact, a Taiwanese girl I emailed, who told me that Taiwan was friendly because it was the popular cool thing to say, was sent my observations about Taiwan above. Upon reading it, she admitted that I WAS RIGHT! See what she had to say below. It’s quite revealing coming from a mainstream Taiwanese girl.
“hi, winston,
what a long letter! haha
actually, i admit i feel a little offended when i read ur mail first time…(sorry)
but then, i thought u r right. 😀
if we compare taiwan with other countries, i know, our people r colder and more shy. it is truth. i think it is because of our culture and tradition. we r not so welcome to strangers, just most people want to protect themselves first.
i totally agree u that people affect each other. so when your surrounding is a close space(people just chat or talk with their friends),u will be a member of them, no doubt.

but i still notice sth different between our sentences,
i think why u feel so disappointed about taiwanese,maybe one reason is just cuz of u r a male. people r usually more friendly to female than to male. 🙂
another reason is maybe u go to wrong place, for example,if on the road,maybe most people don’t want to talk to u because they r busy or they are teached don’t talk to strangers. but if u go to social places, like pubs,concerts,night markets,restaurants,shopping streets, etc. u might find sth a little different.
and i said that people in chiayi r kind and friendly,
i mean people who live in southern part of taiwan r more friendly than northern part of taiwan. 😀 (every taiwanese knows this.)
of course we can’t compare with USA,europe and other western countries i know… but heyhey i am very sure that we r better than china! 😀
so how is ur trip in taiwan? maybe u can try other couchsurfers!


According to this news article, Janet’s show is now suffering from low ratings. Well the solution is simple. Go somewhere interesting Janet! Go to Japan or China and show places there, rather than always staying in the boring uneventful Taiwan.

Now, I know it may be unpopular to criticize someone as popular as Janet Hsieh, but as these great quotes exemplify:

“Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is the truth.” – Gandhi

“The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” – H. L. Mencken

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
– Friederich Nietzsche

Thank you for reading my critique.