Is Janet Hsieh running away from something in America? What are her dark secrets?

24 Mar

Recently, I met an American expat in Taiwan who told me that he heard a rumor that Janet Hsieh was actually running away from something in America, unknown to most of her fans.

In a thread about her on Forumosa, a poster asked:

“I always wondered why a smart well-educated woman, MIT no less, who wanted to become a medical doctor and save lives as a doctor, would give up all
that training and braininess to come to Taiwan and hawk crap products on TV and star in some cool travel shows? Okay, for two years, three years, cool, bit Janet’s been here forever now doing this same same thing, and sure she’s making a good living at it, but she comes from a wealthy family stateside, it’s not like she needs the money. What derailed her from her real life? This TV life in Taiwan is fake. Sure, she has the adoration of thousands of teen fans around the island, is that a life? I wonder if there is something about her that she is running away from. like her family in Texas, or former lovers at MIT, or her own sense of who she is in terms of persoanlity and sexuality. I am sure she is a good person and certainly has a sunny personlity for sure. But there is something missing. Honesty. She’s hiding behind something. Of course,
The llocals cannot see it, they just see glamour girl and glam girl…..but no boyfriend, no husband, no kids, she seems like those other TV talents who were were
famous for a while and then disppeared: Chocolate and Jen Locker. Is Janet folling herself, too?”

Now, I wouldn’t agree that being a doctor and working long stressful hours with no freedom, relaxation or travel is better than being a TV host. But we all have skeletons in the closet and things we are ashamed of in our past. Could people like Janet, who act overly fake and polyannish, be doing so as a front to mask some insecurity deep down? It’s very possible. What dark secrets does Janet Hsieh have, I wonder.

Anyway, if anyone knows what he might be talking about, please let us know by posting in the comment section below. Or if anyone has heard anything about any of her dark secrets, feel free to share.

5 Responses to “Is Janet Hsieh running away from something in America? What are her dark secrets?”

  1. July 16, 2012 at 3:04 am #

    It’s not really a secret, dude. Ever hear of lesbians. She’s gay. No shame there, just like Ellen DeGeneres in USA and Martina Navritiloa and Yani Tseng. But notice in all her years there in Taiwan, i am in Uk by the way, she never had a boyfriend? gay. all her friends know. Just like Anderson Cooper. And for runnign away, well, you thionk her parents will stand for their daughter being gay? No way. So she fled. And she’s happy in Asia, as many gay expats are. Nobody bothers them and tawianese peopple could care less which way she bats. That’s the secret of Taiwan, people accept you gay or straight. Janet’s a lez. Period. and no big deal. she will come out sooner or later. why not. but not yet, it would hurt her product endorsement and marketablityu for now. later when she is 45 she will confess all. they all do.

  2. Anonymous April 2, 2013 at 1:10 pm #

    you are crazy winston wu! i don’t know what the hell is your problem with janet. you’re so pathetic to the point that you would concentrate on making a person’s life miserable just to get the attention of people like you who knows nothing but to hate. i wish you burn in hell. oh wait, no, i firmly believe that you are in hell right now stupid moron! you are smart yet extremely stupid at the same time. if this happens to somebody important to you i think you would realize how DEMONIC you are.

  3. Anonymous September 25, 2013 at 2:43 am #

    HAHAAH you’re a DOCTOR?! Man..if I know who you are I would not recommend anyone going to you. You’re such an embarrassment.

    • Nunu May 24, 2015 at 12:47 am #

      You are a idiot and a gay whose jealous of Janet due to George Young!! There isn”t anything wrong withJanet ,or any Taiwanese girls or their people or their culture.It is just You,anyone reading your article can tell you are just being Sour Grape,you petty bitch!!

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